BPD: Two For One

Please, let me help,

Darling, stop your tears,

I’ll bandage your knee,

Don’t think of your fears.

I feel your pain and want it to stop.

Let me take your weight,

My shoulders miss it,

We must be fate!


Please, go away,

God, I know what you think,

I’ll let your wounds weep

Like I will, after I drink.

I am hurting but just don’t care.

Let me flip a table,

Break your fucking legs,

Yes, You say, Unstable!


Oh my god,

What have I done

I love you my dear

You are the only one.

Please let me fix it,

Don’t leave me alone

This guilt I feel,

So familiar, but recently unknown.


Ha, you laugh at me

But I know you are leaving,

I see it in your eyes,

As I spit curses, chest heaving.

I will never be enough,

Whatever you pretend,

You must have problems

But this probably isn’t the end.


What the hell,

I’m so confused,

These bombs come and go

Leaving me bruised.

I’m hurting you,

I’m living wrong.

I’ve been so confused

For far too long.

I can’t say without guilt

Or explain not in vain

The way two minds

Share my one brain!

4 Comments Add yours

  1. teaismyjam says:

    Gosh! I relate to this so much. I had written a poem just like this about the internal conflict between over thinking and acceptance of love and reality. This poem is so nice, it fits into that exact behaviour that I so often do. 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Zia Jane says:

      Ooh, could you send me the link to your poem please?
      am so sorry you have to go through that, I would not wish it on anyone! I hope you find something to help you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. teaismyjam says:

        Yes I have found some help and it’s been much better. Also, I haven’t published the poem anywhere yet, it was more of something I penned down, but it was too messy to write here. 😃 Haha.
        Hope you are feeling much better as well. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Zia Jane says:

          that’s great, I hope it stays better 🙂 I always think I’m improving and then sort of relapse so I’m weary to say…
          I’m sure it was great anyway. If you ever post it please let me know 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

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